Sunday, August 30, 2009

Indies and B movies...

500 Days of Summer

Sick movie...
Very well written.
Puts a totally new and progressive twist to the "Love Story"
From the point of view of anti Hollywood everything works out in the end
...maybe it does...maybe it doesn't.

I give it 4 Jesus with his thumbs up

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Quotes and Quotables... 8/29/09

At some point in life the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.

- *Toni Morrison*

Music Ed. 8/29/09

Graffiti for thought 8/29/09

artist unknown

An UNholy War...Love in Rhythm

I remember how I used to love you when I used to love you...
I remember being with you and thinking to myself
damn...I am in love with you
How I watched you as the day went by
and how I was jealous when I thought another was robbing me of your attention
and how much better the world seemed when I thought I was the sole possessor of it
How my heart ached when I wasn't with you
And how I tried to better myself to make myself worthy of you presence
your touch, your love. . .
and how my only regret at the time was didn't know that you loved me as much as I loved you. . .

so years later, when you finally revealed to me that you did....
unfortunately, all I felt was....validation.


this land that I live that I inhabit
motionless sick seeking desperately to escape through creative distraction
seven selves of me live in different directions
I pray for control and consistency
yet I wait
feeling afraid to leave the walls that bore me
lying in mediocrity to save myself from the potential of failure in self fulfillment
bipolar incoherent ramblings of a creative mind read as insights to madness
yet I'm confident
tomorrow will bring a different disposition

Maybe we could buy independent artists' records and burn copies of pop shit
Maybe 50cent won't have 27songs on the radio
Maybe BET will show more shows and less Ass

How 'bout PeaCe
(or at least lets fight wars against poverty or prejudice)

Maybe men will be faithful and women will want sex all the time
Maybe American Idol will be cancelled
Maybe there will be a predominantly black drama on national television
Maybe UPN will stop exploiting black folk

Maybe I'll stay in love

Maybe there will be more families and less divorce
Maybe men will stop getting married and the secretly go out to fuck other men in the ass
Maybe adults will be adults and children children
Maybe adults will aloow children to be children and not rush to make them drug addicts

Maybe I'll stop hating(maybe not)
Maybe Bush will do something good(and not evil) for a change

Maybe I won't be another crab in a barrel

Maybe music will have content again
Maybe I won't be forced to do the stanky leg

Maybe I'll move forward and not sideways or backwards

maybe. . .

In a perfect world I would have you

I’d be yours and you mine

Soul’s eternal Valentine

In a perfect world you would need me

In a continuing quest for completion

Captivated yet elevated by my presence

In a perfect world I’d wish for no other

I’d possess power to move past the urges that people pass off as

just being man. . .

I would be you provider

And look to you for inspiration

Focus on building love and overcoming pain

Though pain be near when you are not

In a perfect world love made would be love gained not lost but transfused

Transcending physicality or reality

In a perfect world we would be music

Harmony meets melody soul meets spirituality

In a perfect world I would have you

Not grieve your memory

Not wonder but know

That you are my truth my reason my cause and my light

I would see farther than heaven deeper than hell

and dwell in forever. . .

In a perfect world we would live happily ever after

No ending just beginning

No time just space and air to breath an endless conversation

We would know love. . .

art by Frank Morrison


She, upon she, upon she
past lessons have led me to motionless emotion
questioning the very purpose of your presence

I long to be reassured
made whole again
reclaim the fantasy

there is a pedestal which I hold that only you can sit upon
she, upon she, upon she...

I'm blinded by fear of normalcy
jaded by conformity
dispirited by past lessons that have led me to motionless emotion

yet you are love
and my love for you simply is.....

art by Frank Morrison

Inebriated Again

She inspires me to write
that I would live in the immediate
though I wait for her. .

beautiful mystery

beautiful muse
I write for her
through her
not knowing if she even notices

I cannot stop thinking about her
so I write
the untold unknown story of us
that I wait for
while I write in the immediate.